Personal recollections from world war two veterans and civilians.
Ed Zubler - 102nd US Infantry Division
The German PA system
During the winter of 1944, our advance through the Siegfried stopped at the Roer River and
we spent about 2 months on the west bank of the river with the Germans
on the east bank. During this period, we had our Batallion Aid station
in the basement of a partially bombed out hospital. The top floor was
occupied by artillery observers who directed fire on the Germans. For
about 2 weeks, there was a propaganda truck that made nightly visits to
an area directly across from this hospital. At first, we enjoyed the
music and the propaganda was not too annoying. But as time passed, they
reduced the amount of music and increased the amount of the propaganda
which also became nastier and the whole affair became annoying but far
from demoralizing. After awhile, the artillery people decided to end
this annoyance and during the day, they zeroed in a crossroad on the
bank where they knew the truck had to cross when it departed. That
evening with all of us watching, the truck appeared on schedule. When
the Germans started the propaganda segment, the artillery observers
called for a flare to illuminate the area and the truck quickly started
to leave. Just before, it reached the cross roads, the observers called
for the artillery fire. We could hear the shells travel over head and
there was a tremendous explosion at the intersection, completely
demolishing the truck. Everyone on our side cheered and clapped briefly
but this ended quickly. I supposed that we all realized that people had
just died and that we would probably miss the music in the future. That
was the last time that we encounter this tactic by the Germans. They
only used it when the lines were stagnant momentarily.
As a result of a heart failure, on March 20, 2004, Edward G. Zubler died of heart attack in Cleveland, OH.